The best route by car from Poland to Bulgaria. – TV vacation

Bulgaria by car

Which route to choose when going to Bulgaria. What to consider when calculating a route.

When we plan to go on vacation to Bulgaria by car, it is best to carefully consider the route of our journey first. Of course, today we all have navigation, but it is worth choosing a route beforehand to check for yourself whether the one shown by the navigation will suit us. Let’s also think beforehand whether we will be going without a break, so as to be there faster, or whether we will stop for at least one night to rest. We recommend the latter option, especially when we are going with children. A moment of breath and a comfortable night can work wonders, and the rest of the journey will pass in a calmer atmosphere. Secondly, you can stay in some interesting place to stay and visit it.

Possible routes.

Each of us lives elsewhere and everyone will choose a different route, if only for this reason. Below are the two basic ones, without taking into account the access to the border:

  1. Poland- Slovakia- Ukraine- Romania- Bulgaria
  2. Poland- Hungary- Romania- Bulgaria.

The first route is not longer in terms of kilometers, but in terms of time, mainly due to long downtimes at the Ukrainian border. We recommend this route to persistent and avid travelers who want to see as many interesting places as possible along the way, and to those who take their time.
The second route is faster, making it ideal for those who want to get to their destination as quickly as possible. Both in the first and in the second case, at least one night should be planned, because the route is about 1600 km long, so it is an average of 24 hours to drive, so no, even an experienced driver should try to drive it without rest.

What should you remember about?

If we choose the second route, i.e. through EU countries, we will not need passports, an ID card will suffice. Remember that we will not cross the Ukrainian border without a passport, so we do not advise anyone to even try. We should also remember when planning the route that, for example, in Hungary there are no highways, so we will drive much slower and this should be taken into account.