Despite the fact that Bulgaria is a country belonging to the European Union, the standard of living, compared to other Member States, is really low there. Low wages and the economic crisis make crime a common phenomenon there. And we are not talking only about petty crime, but about organized crime, which covers a very large area. Prostitution, drugs, corruption are not only virtual reality, they are unfortunately the real face of this country. Of course, the authorities are trying by all means to fight it, but according to the latest European statistics, not much changes there.

Advice for tourists going on holiday, trips to Bulgaria.
People planning a trip to Bulgaria through travel agencies are instructed before leaving how to behave during their stay and what to pay special attention to. A person on behalf of a travel agency, delegated to take care of a given group of tourists, is to provide advice and assistance on the spot. However, the advice on this website is so universal that it can be used not only by individual tourists, but also by people planning trips and holidays organized by tour operators.
What to watch out for?
So when we go to Bulgaria, let’s remember about the basic precautions that apply everywhere in the world. First of all, we should always move in groups, after dark, do not move away from hotels, which are usually protected. Secondly, be careful in large crowds of people: in buses, in shops and in restaurants. There, thieves, who most often rob the “rich” tourists, prowl without any pardon. Let’s be careful when exchanging cash in exchange offices and choose places next to hotels or banks. You could warn like this endlessly, so remember to be safe and always be careful.
The safety of tourists in Bulgaria is probably greater than in other EU countries, which does not exempt tourists from being cautious in places with increased traffic, such as stations, means of transport and places visited massively by tourists, pickpocketing occurs.
Transactions in Bulgarian exchange offices
The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Sofia recommends special care when exchanging currency in exchange offices. There are frequent cases of withdrawing amounts lower than the exchange rate given in front of exchange offices (it is best to ask in advance what amount you will receive for a specific amount in currency). Exchange offices sometimes charge a commission for currency exchange.
For those traveling to Bulgaria by car
Due to frequent thefts of new and expensive cars (eg Mercedes, Audi, BMW, Toyota) last year. The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Sofia recommends extreme caution when traveling in such cars, and even not using them when traveling to and through Bulgaria.
Consular care. Loss of money or documents.
In the event of loss of a travel document at the Polish Consulate in Sofia, you can obtain a temporary passport. The fastest way to transfer money from Poland in random cases (you can withdraw money in Bulgaria within a dozen or so minutes from the moment of payment) is to use the services of companies dealing with international money transfers, eg Western Union. It is also possible to provide financial assistance by the consulate, after the family or friends in the country have paid an appropriate amount to the account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is a financial security.
Emergency numbers.
Before going on vacation, it is a good idea to write down important emergency numbers that are valid in your country. Let us remember that in all Member States, the same emergency number 112 is in force, so it is also in force in Bulgaria. In addition:
- police 166
- traffic police 165
- ambulance 150
- fire department 160
- roadside assistance 146