Thanks to the following pages you will find more information about the current weather forecast in Bulgaria. Weekly weather forecasts, three-day weather forecasts. Weather in Bulgaria, average air temperature in Bulgaria – average water temperature in Bulgaria, water temperature in May, June, July, August, September.

Use the search engine below to find out more about the current weather forecast in Bulgaria. Weekly weather forecasts, three-day weather forecasts.
WEATHER for tourists in Bulgaria
Bulgaria is again becoming an interesting holiday destination. Thanks to its advantages, as well as investments in the development of tourism, this country is becoming more and more popular, because the climate, and therefore the weather, provide favorable conditions for year-round visits for tourist purposes.
Most of Bulgaria lies in the temperate zone, and the coastal and southern regions are in the subtropical-continental climate zone. The winters are cool and humid and the summers are hot and dry. The climate is perfect for both summer and winter tourism.
Air temperature in Bulgaria.
Average air temperatures in Bulgaria (° C)
Jan.Feb. Mar.Qu.m. May Jun.
-4 ° C -3 ° C 5 ° C 10 ° C 15 ° C 23 ° C
Jul. sickle. sept. oct. Nov. Dec.
26 ° C 25 ° C 17 ° C 13 ° C 7 ° C -2 ° C
Water temperature in Bulgaria from June to September.
Average water temperatures (° C)
April May Jun Jul. sickle. sept.
15 ° C 19 ° C 22 ° C 23 ° C 19 ° C 18 ° C