Bulgarian phrasebook. Bulgaria, Bulgarian phrases and words, basic words, basic phrases, questions, answers, polite forms, names, translation of phrases and words.
The biggest barrier in any foreign country is the language barrier. Therefore, before going to Bulgaria, it is worth getting to know at least a few basic phrases that will be useful in our daily functioning. It is worth knowing that the official language is Bulgarian, which belongs to the Slavic language family, so it has similar bases and some rules, just like Polish. Although some words resemble those in our native language, unfortunately they usually mean something completely different than in Polish. We should also remember that the Bulgarians in writing use the Cyrillic alphabet, so many of the inscriptions will be difficult for us to read. Only road signs are translated for tourists, so there shouldn’t be a problem here.
Phrase books and basic phrases.
In order to avoid misunderstandings and win the favor of Bulgarians or Bulgarians, it is worth taking a Polish-Bulgarian phrasebook with you on vacation and learning from them at least a few basic phrases. Here are some of the most commonly used phrases:
да [da] – Yes
не [ne] – no
Благодаря. / Mерси. [błagodarja / mersi] – Thank you.
Моля. [molja] – Here you are.
Добър ден! [dobyr den] – Good morning!
Довиждане! [dowiżdane] – Goodbye!
Добър вечер! [dobyr weczer] – Good evening!
Лека нощ. [leka noszt] – Good night.
Здрасрти / Здравей! [zdrasti / zdrawej]
Hi! (informal greeting) Чао! [czao]
Hi! (informal goodbye)
До скоро (виждане)! [do skoro (wiżdane)] – See you soon!
Съжалявам. [syżaljawam] – Sorry.
I’m sorry. Извинете [izwinete] – Sorry! (eg accosting a stranger) платен [płaten] – Paid Parking
Безплатен [bezpłaten] – free
отворено [otworeno] – open |
затворено [zatworeno] – closed
безплатен вход [bezpłaten whod] – Free entrance
Asking for directions.
Къде е…? [kyde e…?] – Where is… ?
Извинете, как мога да стигна до гарата? [izwinete, kak moga da stigna do garata?] Excuse me, how do I get to the station?
Извинетe, къде се намира улица Вашингтон? [izwinete, kyde se namira ulica waszington?] – Excuse me, where is Washington Street? Можетe li да ми покажете това на картата? [możete li da mi pokażete towa na kartata?] – Could you show me this on the map? Това далече ли е от тук? [towa dalecze li e ot tuk] – Is it far from here?
Загубих се. [zagubih se] – I got lost.
Трябва да… [trjabwa da…] – You must …
завиете надясно [zawiete nadjasno] – turn right
завиете наляво [zawiete naljawo] – turn left
се връщате [se wrysztate] – turn around отидете направо [otidete na prawo]
go straight след сфетофари [sled sfetofari] – behind the lights.

In Bulgaria, the language will be a barrier for many tourists, as most of them all speak Bulgarian. It is worth trying German and English in some regions. Although the latter is known only to young people and not many people. So there are phrasebooks and remembering about the basic difference: nodding your head yes means in Bulgaria – NO. And vice versa: nodding at them means: YES. Completely unlike in Poland, so be especially careful here.