Customs regulations for tourists going to Bulgaria, Duty free importation from Bulgaria, Duty free list of items, How much currency can you bring and how much can you bring?
The transport of goods is subject to quantitative restrictions on the general principles in force in the European Union. Tourists traveling to Bulgaria may bring in and transport goods in quantities that indicate their intended use for personal use; they cannot be resold. The term “for personal use” also includes goods intended as gifts, but selling them is illegal and may result in confiscation and an additional penalty. The vehicle carrying the goods may also be confiscated.
Do you complete a customs declaration?
You can import and export articles up to a total value of USD 100, duty-free. When importing and exporting currencies up to BGN 8,000 (approx. EUR 4,090) and valuables in the customary amount, there is no obligation to complete a customs declaration. In all other cases, a customs declaration must be completed, which is taken as proof of the origin of the valuables or currencies being exported upon departure. It is forbidden to import goods in commercial quantities, even within the 100-dollar limit. In the passport of a person entering Bulgaria by car, the border authorities make an annotation about the vehicle, and thus oblige the driver to leave the country with the same vehicle.

No duty.
Below is a list of goods that you can bring to Poland duty-free:
Food products to be consumed during the journey by a traveler and service members in international transport (in quantities not exceeding, for example, 1l of dairy products; 1 kg of chocolate products; 500g of coffee).
Alcohols, including beer, brought by a person over 18 years of age – in quantities not exceeding: 2l – for wine products; 5 l – for beer; 1l – for spirits or other alcoholic products (other than wine and beer).
Cigarettes brought by a person over 18 years of age in quantities: no more than 250 cigarettes or no more than 50 cigars or up to 250 g of tobacco.
Gifts, in quantities that do not indicate a commercial purpose.
Luggage and personal belongings needed during travel and stay in the country.
Gifts, in quantities that do not indicate a commercial purpose.